Saturday, November 10, 2007

Welcome To The Fold...

"Tony Blair will convert to Roman Catholicism within weeks" intoned yesterday's Guardian, citing a piece in this week's Catholic newspaper, The Tablet.

Your author has always found the prospect of the Rev Blair crossing the aisle, so to speak, from Anglicanism to Catholicism a strange move. Strange because hs seems to be swapping the free form, take-it-or-leave-it, no pressure guv, wishy-washyness of Anglicanism for the no-room-for-doubt moral certainty of the Catholic Church.

Which is strange because his political journey has taken him in precisely the opposite direction. From the doctrinal purity of his erzatz lefty youth (replete with CND membership) to the soggy moral relativism of New Labour, which, as the Guardian points out, has seen such Catholic bugbears as gay adoption, stem cell research, rising abortion rates and the Iraq war
driven through with gusto on Blair's watch.

God moves in mysterious ways. But Tone's are apparantly stranger.

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