Monday, November 19, 2007

The Blair Years: Nothing to write home about

And while we're on the subject of private schools, I managed to catch Tony Blair on BBC's 'The Blair Years' last night.

He made some remark about how being in tune with the aspirations of the middle classes was all important and private schools were simply a result of parents wanting to do the best by their kids.

But given Tone benefitted from a private education, he clearly sees nothing wrong with the principle of the rich buying advantages for their kids that others cannot afford.

When an Old Etonian in the shape of David Cameron looks across the Despatch Box at Fettes College-educated Mr. Blair we know our leaders are out of touch.

The last time two public schoolboys faced off at PM's Questions was when Hugh Gaitskell (Harrow) peered across from Harold MacMillan (Eton, again) in 1963.

Amid all the hagiography, its a shame Tone isn't a bit humbler about his utter failure to address the wealth and opportunity gulf his heroine Mrs. Thatcher opened up and he did all to little to close, despite having a decade to do it.

The boulder of social mobility that took the better half of the Twentieth Century to push up the hill has begun rolling back down again at a rate of knots.

Gordo, you're our last hope...

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