Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Queen's Greatest Hits

Phew! After a hard day's toil WCH hasn't had time to digest the Queen's Speech in detail. Just managed to catch some of the parliamentary exchanges on the wireless. More on this tomorrow...

Don't know what Joe and Josephine Public make of it all, but I suspect Brown wins on points.

I tend to think that the louder Cameron speaks, the more braying he becomes. Plus he tends to purse his lips and frown a lot when he's trying to look statesmanlike, adopting the visage of Mr. Jeremy Kyle. Or perhaps a constipated baby.

The Clunking Fist sounded a bit dull, but somehow reassuring. Bit like having a backseat passenger who bothers to remember the directions home. Your kind of glad that someone's bothering to keep an eye on the detail.

And lest we forget, when people's mortgages are on the line, dull and reassuring is good.

Seems like the Tory attack line on Brown is focusing on his "lack of vision". The poor fella is blind in one eye you know...Same heartless Tories!

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