Saturday, November 10, 2007

Holey Cow!

Lib Dem leadship hopeful, Nick Clegg, has apparantly struck a bid for political honesty.

In a feat of unrivalled candour, worthy indeed of George Washington, Cleggy, the Hugh Grant of British politics, has admitted that there’s a “black hole” about where he would raise the cash to pay for his not unwelcome idea to dollop an extra £2.5 billion on the poorest kids.

He wants to spend the kind of money that Tarquin at public school routinely has invested in his education (or, for that matter, Nick Clegg at Westminster School) on the poorest in order to improve social mobility.

All very nice but uncosted policies are the political equivalent of window shopping or fantasy football.

Still, makes a change for a Lib Dem to have a hole in something that’s not his cardigan.

So a blow for political honesty then? Or a politician who can’t think on his feet in an interview?


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