Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Where's the Passion Folks?

The Internet is a truly marvellous invention. Shame there is so much rubbish on it.

WCH thought long and hard before his old gnarled fingers danced across the keyboard to bring you this magnificent offering.

Some of the so-called political bloggers littering up the information superhighway should have done the same!

I mean, some of the blogs passing for left-wing political comment are as a tepid as a baby’s bath.
Blogging and lefty politics should be about passion and energy. Not much of that about in cyberspace at the moment...

Apparently Alistair Campbell, the Mr. Hyde to Tony Blair’s Dr. Jekyll, thinks the ‘blogosphere’ (what a truly ugly word...) is dominated by the political Right. He has a point. There does seem to be more of the buggers out there. Why is that? Has the Right got more to say? Never! Are they better educated? Of course not! Can they afford better computers? Probably...

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