Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Take A Walk on the Wild Side? No Thanks...

Before he departed the stage to ‘fix’ the problems if the Middle East, that old political drag queen, Tony Blair, thoughtfully reminded us that we now live in an age of political cross-dressing.

Watching this week’s Conservative conference I can now see what old gender-bender Blair meant.

Your correspondent is reduced to weeping tears of regret that it apparantly takes a Conservative Government to clobber the super rich “non-domicile” tax dodging parasites while a Labour Treasury sits on its bean-counting derriere for a decade and does nothing.

This following Margaret Thatcher being invited round to her old digs at No. 10 and lauded as a conviction politican – by a Labour Prime Minister!

Tories taxing the super rich? Ken Livingstone lecturing Boris Johnson about political posturing? Tea and crumpets with Thatcher? Where will it all end?!

Greens backing airport expansion? UKIP calling for implementation of the Working Time Directive?

I’m just waiting for the launch of the BNP’s equal opportunities policy...

WCH does not like all this political transvestitisim and is keeping his cloth cap firmly on his head...

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