Thursday, October 11, 2007

Isn't it just the meek supposed to inherit?

Hark! The huddled masses from the housing estates of Sunderland to the sink estates of south London ring out hosannas of praise for Alistair Darling’s decision to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £600,000.

And lo, it came to be that the meek were elbowed out of the way for the greedy to inherit the earth!

Praise be that near-millionaires can now safely inherit money they didn’t earn for work they didn’t do.

From relatives they probably didn’t give a stuff about.

The short-term politics of appeasing Middle England’s grubby sense of entitlement may be smart after last week’s beasting by George Osborne (My God - Osborne of all people?!?!?); but the long-term ethical damage to the Brown brand makes this u-turn a pyrrhic victory.

Just what is a Labour Government for, may I respectfully ask, if the undeserving rich are not expected to pay more in tax for the common good?

Here’s a novel idea: The level of inheritance tax paid should be based on how much care and support families give elderly relatives.

People who care and support aged grandpa should pay less.

Meanwhile, the jackals and vultures who let grandma marinate in her own piss in some flea-bitten care home without so much as a Christmas card should forfeit the lot!

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