Saturday, October 6, 2007



As confidently predicted on this blog (well before the shilly-shallying johnnie-come-latelys) there is to be no imminent general election.

Don't like to say we told you so, but...WE TOLD YOU SO!!

Nick Robinson of the Beeb is predicting there may not be an electon until 2009 in order for the PM to hold a "verdict election" on his (by then) three years as Top Dog. Sounds about right.

David Cameron will be able to relax his bottom cheeks for a while although he is still going down to defeat. Seems that it took a bit of old fashioned Tory tax bribery to the middle classses to turn the tide. George Osborne is this week's big winner as Cameron's fluffy ethno-environmentalism is repudiated.

But how old will Ming be by 2009?! Given the Lib Dems are fast being written out of the equation in all the polls, we confidently predict he will long gone by then. Nick Clegg in place by the summer recess?

To all our dear readers, the next time you want something more than the bog standard predicitons and political commentary, available on the hordes of inferior blogs out there, you know where to come!

As George Bernard Shaw used to say about economists, if you laid them all end to end they still couldn't reach a conclusion.

We can.

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