Friday, December 28, 2007

Maggie, we love you!

Is it meant to be ironic? Have cyber-vandals altered the text? Surely, to paraphrase the great John McEnroe, she cannot be serious?

To what and whom am I referring? Why the column on the ConservativeHome website from Tory parliamentary hopeful and sometime novelist, Louise Bagshawe, referring to her “hero-worship” (her phrase) of Margaret Thatcher.

Read this (and no laughing at the back if you please)

“She was the first major politician seriously to warn of global warming. Despite the ludicrous caricature of her public image, she was a champion of social justice, the grocer’s daughter who swept away the barriers to home ownership for many of Britain’s poorest people. Elected on a popular mandate again and again, the voters never threw her out, much to the dismay of the liberal commentariat. She was the ultimate people’s politician.”

More guff of a similarly simpering nature can be found here.

“I have several acquaintances who know Lady Thatcher socially. I can not, and likely will never, make that boast. I do not know Lady Thatcher. But politically, I worship her.

“Posters on this site should not worry when the media spins to them that Cameroon, modern compassionate Conservative MPs and candidates, want to distance themselves from Lady Thatcher. This is nonsense; I do not wish to distance myself. I wish instead merely to touch the hem of her garment.”

Funnily enough, WCH dreams of touching the hem of St. Margaret’s garment too. Usually as I launch the evil old bat off a very high cliff.


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