Friday, December 21, 2007

Devolution, Lakota-style

Fascinating story in this morning’s Telegraph about the Lakota Indians and their declaration of independence from the United States of America.

Descendents of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse visited the State Department on Monday to announce they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties signed with the federal government of the United States - some of them more than 150 years old - claiming they are "worthless words on worthless paper."

They also visited the Bolivian, Chilean, South African and Venezuelan embassies and intend to continue their diplomatic mission in the coming weeks and months.

Their current constitutional status affords them a measure of “nationhood” within the US, but this move promises to see them issue their own driving licenses and passports.

The Lakota peoples are beset with all sorts of social and economic problems, including high teen suicide rates, a child mortality rate five times higher than the US average and a staggering male life expectancy of just 44.

Good luck to them I say!

Now, if only the north of England could have done something similar around 1980.....


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